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MusicGlove Clinic Suite
$2,393.00 – $2,593.00
- FDA listed neurorehab that helps improve mobility for hands, arms, core, and legs.
- Ready to use right out of the box, no special training required
- Adapts to your level of recovery, even if you have little to no mobility.
- Used in 400+ rehabilitation hospitals, 10,000+ homes
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Engage Patients with Music-Based Hand Therapy
What Is MusicGlove?
MusicGlove is a hand therapy device that is clinically proven to improve hand function in 2 weeks.
It works by motivating users to perform hundreds of therapeutic hand and finger exercises while playing an engaging musical game.
How do you use it?
To use the device, you simply put the MusicGlove on your hand, plug it into your personal laptop or Flint tablet, and press play.
Then, follow along and make the appropriate pinching movements when each musical note floats down the screen.

Validated in Clinical Trials
In a randomized controlled trial, subjects demonstrated significantly greater improvements in hand function pre- to post-assessment as measured by the Box and Blocks score after two weeks of training with the MusicGlove compared to participants that performed conventional tabletop exercises (see right).
Participants also reported regaining the ability to perform functional movements with their hand, such as buttoning a button, brushing their teeth, and opening doors.
The MusicGlove can also assess hand function, since the score obtained in the game correlates significantly with established clinical measures of hand function (such as the Box and Box test, p < 0.001).
Learn About Our Free Demo Program
Want to try MusicGlove with your patients to see if it’s a good fit for your clinic?

Sign up below to get a free 21 day demo:
FAQs & Pricing
For Clinicians:
MusicGlove Therapy can be billed as neuromuscular reeducation or as a therapeutic procedure/exerc
We offer shipping to the US, Canada, the European Economic Area, India, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Turkey, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
If you choose to purchase MusicGlove, we accept returns at any time within 30 days of purchase.
If you are unsatisfied with MusicGlove for any reason, simply contact us and we will send you a prepaid return label.
The clinic version of MusicGlove ranges from $2,393.00–$2,992.00 depending on the console you wish to purchase.
- The $2,393 version comes with software that you can install onto one computer or laptop and 6 gloves.
- The $2,592 version comes with a 10″ touchscreen tablet with preinstalled software and 6 gloves.
- The $2,992 version comes with a 21″ touchscreen computer with preinstalled software and 6 gloves.
For Clinicians and Their Patients:
If your patient has a laptop that is less than 5 years old, then he/she can use the software-version of MusicGlove, which is $349.
If your patient does not have a laptop, then he/she can purchase MusicGlove with a 10″ tablet with preinstalled MusicGlove software for $549.
Unfortunately Medicare does not cover restorative technology currently in the US. For this reason, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee so that your patient can be sure that they’re satisfied with their MusicGlove home therapy device.
MusicGlove is intended for patients who can touch their thumb to at least one of their fingertips.
To maximize your results using MusicGlove, we recommend following our Recommended Regimen (click here to view the PDF).
Therapists in the Clinic
Bob & Brad "Famous" Physical Therapists

Helen Hayes Hospital

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Trusted by America’s Top Clinics