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Testimonials for Flint Rehab

Reviews for FitMi Interactive Home Therapy

Arthur Mauldin – Stroke Survivor

“FitMi has helped me a lot with spasticity and with flexibility of my arm and movement of my arm. It has been very helpful that way.”

Mary Carter – Stroke Survivor

“This is actually what helped me get up the stairs a lot easier and walk straight… I had trouble with balance but I’m walking a lot better.”

Brad Thomas – Stroke Survivor

“I’ve been using [FitMi] for over a month… It has greatly increased the strength in my arm and also in my hand.

Reviews for MusicGlove Hand Therapy

Nicole Marquez – Spinal Cord Injury Survivor

“The more I play it, the more mobility I start to see… You have to be patient with it, but if you keep on playing it over and over again you will start feeling results.”

Tresa Walker – Stroke Survivor

“This brought some things back to life that makes me want to do it as opposed to doing therapies that aren’t fun.

Pamela Hsieh – Stroke Survivor

“MusicGlove… was exactly what I needed to kick-start my rehab again for my left hand after about 10 years of neglecting it like 80% of the time”